Rainbow Bridge, Utah

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Rainbow bridge in Utah, is the one of the world’s largest natural bridge, formed by the River colorado. We took a cruise boat from Page, AZ to reach this place, which took us 3 hours to get there. The best part of the 3 hours is the changing landscapes one gets to see, while transitioning from Arizona to Utah. Lake Powell gradually merges into the river Colorado, once you reach the Rainbow Bridge.

One gets to uncover surreal colors against the beautiful hues of blue and green waters of lake powell cruising through narrow deep red and white canyons sculpted by wind and water during broad daylight that transform them into deeper exotic colors as sunset approaches.

You can see from the pictures, how gorgeous the water looks amidst the uninhabited narrow cave like structures.

The hike to Rainbow bridge is about one and a half mile long, with the difficulty level being beginner.

We spotted exotic colored chameleons, against the rust colored rocks and the bridge at the backdrop, making it an ideal paradise for photographers.

Legend has it, that it is bad omen to cross the bridge, as per the native red Indians, so as a mark of respect, people do not usually defy their beliefs.

After spending about 2 hours here, we got back onto our boat, to uncover the beautiful sunset on the rocks, glistening golden green waters and giant friendly fish!

A Colorful “PAGE”

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One of the most scenic places on earth, sparsely inhabited and a rather popular tourist hub.

We have driven to Page a few times, from Phoenix and Flagstaff, only to uncover hidden and untouched beauty at every nook and corner of this small place. The drive itself, is very pretty, with changing and colorful landscapes. As you approach Page, the mountains and rocks appear orangish/red when illuminated by the sun’s rays. The deeper hues are visible during mid-day, making it look only more breathtaking.

There are plenty of things to do in this small city, from Trekking, Boating, Sight-seeing and of-course ample Photography.

Page has a relatively cooler climate than any other city in Arizona, since it is at an elevation. However, it does get arid and hot sometimes.

This place is best visited between the months of April and September, when the sun’s rays are at an optimum angle for viewing and taking the best photographs.

Watch out for my posts on various touristy things-to-do in Page.