Captain Morgan & the Carribean

The word “Carribean” has been at the top of my visit list since my childhood. I associated this word and the place to something whose exoticism was inversely proportional to it being cherry pie on the map. It was like the song I heard in my 10th grade “We are going to Ibiza!” by Vengaboys; I thought that island was a made up name, till I discovered its coordinates on the a large world map in my dad’s study room and also learning about how atypically exotic this island too is (The next item on my bucketlist in Europe!)

For the Thanksgiving weekend, we planned to hit it off at these islands months in advance after zeroing down on a place. It was a challenge to decide where to go, since each country in the carribean is special in its own way. We chose Puerto Rico – because I love the way it sounds!

I was constantly pinching myself when the D-day arrived: right from O’hare to Charlotte which was our stopover before we landed in San-Juan. It was a mighty long journey before we set afoot at our destination and what we went on to experience was unreal, movie-like and implausible to the eyes!

Our hotel room was facing 2 swimming pools followed by the beach right next to it; surrounded by Palm trees overlooking talcum powder like sand and aquamarine waters. Waking up each morning to this sight was indeed a much unparalleled feeling.


The first night, we chose to spend our time and money frugally in our hotel casino. However, upon seeing the ultra low minimum dollar bets, we turned greedy and prodigal… We made some, lost like a truck loads and made pittance and turned in to our rooms.

Day2: El Yunque Rain forest tour and Luquillo Beach

We had to rise up a tad too early, to be driven into El Yunque (pronounced as ‘Joonkay’). This was a lush green and dense rainforest… where we went on to hike through a trail. Our tour guide Robert Sanchez was a rather hilarious and a very well informed individual; who kept us engrossed in discussions ranging from touristy stuff to do in PR to a rather controversial “Where does PR stand versus the USA”. Apparently, PR doesn’t want to be the 51st state of the USA due to several reasons; the most amusing one of them being that:

There is no space on the US Flag to draw the 51st star!!

So, we hiked on El Yunque which is at a height of approximately 3500 feet above sea level. The view of various islands from atop here was astonishing! Turquoise waters, blue skies and white clouds, dense green backdrop, old forts… I have never imagined being in a frame more picturesque that this. Each tree in the rainforest had a story to tell… There were almond seedlings lying around us, different types of orchids money! We saw the main ingredient for Chanel no. 5 – the flower smelt like jasmine, those trees grow in abundance in the Carribean.

We also came across an unusually carved concave bark of a tree, which was dark grey in color. Upon pouring water, on it, it turns into a royal bluish gray texture, which is one of the most commonly used base in facials! Ladies, you know now where to head for a natural spa treatment and of course the Chanel flower!

The palm trees in the forest grew in gravity defying ways; weird angles, a tree emanating from another tree – like conjoined twins, some growing horizontally for long stretches and then turning vertical; as if the tree was suffering from vertigo and almost all their roots grew  above the ground.

Most of the trees had beautiful natural creepers growing around them, and we saw sly camouflaging snails and walking sticks too!

This is probably as fresh and natural the air can get, so made the most of it by taking deep breaths. Very quaint.

There were quite a bit of natural waterfalls and it is probably like seeing nat geo coming to life out of the idiot box.

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After enjoying this beautiful bountiful tour of nature, we were taken to Luquillo beach, to spend about 4 hours.

Luquillo beach: Pronounced lookeeyo

Now this was the icing on the cake! More blue green crystal clear and clean water, soft white sand, umbrella, beach level patios, pina coladas, sun and loads of fun! It was the most serene, very low current; almost virgin beach we were at.

To top it all, the temperature was just fine, extremely pleasant.

If you are a vegetarian, expect to stay hungry or be fed well before your tryst with this beach. I ate a repulsive looking corn meal with much hesitation and had to sip infinite number of pina coladas to get rid of the feeling in my mouth. It was as if eating a fried sea anemone ugh!

I cannot describe in words the amount of fun we had at this beach, it was ideal, to be basking in the sun with such a beautiful sight.

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Robert dropped us all off at our respective hotels and we went back to freshen up and enjoy some local cuisine in the evening.  We splurged on their homemade Sanrgias and Mojitos – extremely well made drinks and binged on Rice and beans and Mofongo. The beans is the best I have had in my life, very close to our traditional “Rajma” but scores better than that!

Mofongo is a dish made out of green plantain baked like a wall, with stuffing inside… Again, mouthwateringly delicious.

local phoods
I can atleast click pics of stuff i cant eat - local puerto rican food img_0693

Day 3: Snorkeling with the Pirates at Culebra and La Parguera

As much as I was looking forward to this trip, I dreaded the part where we had to snorkel and swim amidst dangerously high currents in the ocean. We were ferried to a really small unexplored island, where we were made to practice snorkeling for first timers and then enjoy beach time for a while. This was one of the coolest boats I have been on; unlimited drinks and food on the house; with gasolina kind of music playing in the background.

The waters again, choppy yet gorgeous!

“Pirates of the Carribean” was shot here. No wonder, it was amazing, unreal and I never wanted to come back from there 😉

We enjoyed quite a bit of beach time and then went for a swim in deep waters with our snorkel equipment. Gorgeously vibrant corals, beautiful colorful fish took our attention off the depth we were swimming at. It was quite a struggle to swim back and forth from the shore. We were exhausted at this point and were wondering how the real snorkeling would be like!

When it was time to get back to our boat, we were so hungry due to all the swimming, we finished off all that was laid off for us before the next snorkeling. The boat went right in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, which also mixes with the Carribean sea, making the waters more choppy with dangerously high tide currents.

We were asked to “Jump” from the boat into the water to see more corals. That sounded fanatical to me. Jumping in the middle of the ocean, I was scared to death!!!! But then, we had the rescue team aboard, so I decided to not be a chicken and jump!

aboard heading out to Culebra!

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Los hombres locos

The scary part:

We had such a great time clicking pictures of different colored fish and the corals; it all seemed calm till we suddenly came to the surface and couldn’t find our boat!

The current had drifted us so further away from the boat; it was a challenge to swim against the motion of the current to get to our boat. At one point, we almost gave up hopes, as one stroke of ours forward threw us back with twice the thrust of the powerful current.

We somehow made it to our boat, alive and in one piece 😀

After getting onboard, we noticed that a couple we befriended on the boat, were getting drifted really far away into the hungry ocean. Ironically, neither of them knew swimming and were not even a tad bit scared. The rescue team went on to pull them off before any mishap occured. This was some experience – life threatening yet thrilling!

We then went on to enjoy more drinks, made merry, danced inebriated and were pooped by the time we reached San Juan.

The next mammoth of a task was to take off the sands from our clothes, and just chill by the Jacuzzi which ended brilliantly, as we were offered complimentary champagnes!

complimentary champagne in our room

Later in the evening we went on to try some more local food and hit the casino.

The chow down:

It started like the graph of ‘e’, and ended as if an asteroid just hit the earth and created yet another grand canyon.

I obviously had beginners luck in the slot machine, by making $3 out of 1$. It was exhilarating I tell you! I was so full of it that I went on to play roulette. Boom! I made $80 :D. Then I heard my conscience calling me out, asking me to be parsimonious and wisely exit the hot seat.

We took a break and returned to play blackjack, not once; FOUR times! It was like Thrice bitten, still not shy!!!!

We lost and lost miserably. It was dead of the night 2 am and we lost count of how much we were betting. It only got hilarious for us at the pace at which we were turning paupers 😀

It was a great night nevertheless and we went on to turn in, only to wake up the next day – being our last day at PR.

Old San Juan: Last Day

Did I mention Johnny Depp earlier? Oh yes. We have a connection here, I would like to believe so atleast 😉 This is not a random rambling. I will explain how.

We got ready to visit the Old City and the old Fort which was a 10 minute ride from Condado.

The fort was very well maintained and was the dwelling hub of the sailors from World war 2. From dungeons to Observation points and the rooms, beds and clothing of the sailors, it was impeccable!

We went on to tour the Old city, narrow steep lanes, old houses…. It was exactly where “Rum Diaries” was shot. Johnny did it again 🙂 and thus the connection I was referring to.

It was very European – Spanish style, striking and exceptionally beautiful …

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After purchasing our souveniers, we headed back, toured around a little more concluded with more Mofongos and Ananas Mohitos(No it has nothing to do with being an Anti-corruption drink!!)

Ananas Mojito

It was dreary at 4pm for both of us to even think of leaving the place.. We wanted to settle down right there!!

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Time to say bye to the beautiful view!

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….. After hours of travel, we were back to bedlam in the cold windy city at 12 am.

Next on the list: St Maarten and Ibiza! 😉