Fall colors- Door County, Wisconsin

Well the best fall foliage is experienced in the east coast, esp at New England, Connecticut in the US. The desiduous trees and shrubs exhibit this brilliance, with their leaves pigmenting in beautiful red, yellow and pink colors.

We drove down to Door county, due to the lack of vacation days to visit Connecticut and experienced the beautiful colors all around us.

To add to the beauty was the city of sparsely inhabited Kewaunee in Wisconsin (Kenosha county), excruciatingly quiet and gave us the vibes of being haunted,;)

We stayed at the Kewaunee inn, which is a beautiful old wooden resort, with creaking floors and old violins and pianos that were decorated in Halloween style.

The bartender took advantage of my vulnerability and narrated ghost stories, and also told me about ghosts in our neighboring room. I could barely bathe or brush in peace 😀

Another peculiarity about this inn is, all the rooms are left open – giving anyone the chills and added to that- sleepless nights!

But if you arent a coward like me, this is a beautiful place in the midwest to experience some very beautiful colors!